Dawn-Michelle Oliver
North Carolina Member
My husband and I have lived in rural Caswell County, NC, for the past 20 years and the night has always been beautifully dark – filled with bright stars, moon shadows, spring peepers, whip-poor-wills, luna moths, and fireflies. But as everywhere, the area is changing quickly with the arrival of exceptionally bright LED floodlights.
I’m a stargazer and passionate nature lover, and I believe the night environment in Caswell County, and across the southeast, is a treasure we must cherish and protect for ourselves and for all the creatures who share it with us. I joined the International Dark-Sky Association and Starry Skies South to find out what we can all do about light pollution, and I’m excited to share what I’ve learned so far, so please reach out if you have questions or would like me to speak with your group.